Keyhole Endoscopic Brain surgery

Keyhole brain surgery procedure is also known as retro-sigmoid craniotomy is actually a minimally-invasive surgical procedure performed to remove brain tumors . The procedure permits to remove skull base tumors through a small incision behind the ear, which provides access to the cerebellum and brainstem. A minimally invasive approach makes sure that you can restore health easily and there is less pain inflicted, thus the recovery time is also less.

Key hole surgery can be an effective treatment for below conditions like

  • Acoustic neuromas
  • Meningeomas
  • Skull base tumors
  • Colloid cysts
  • Arteriovenous malformation
  • Metastatic brain or spine tumors

There are number of benefits of the keyhole surgery. some of them are:

  • Leaves minimal visible scarring
  • It affects a minimal amount of tissue, therefore the recovery is quick
  • Postoperative treatment and rehabilitation can start sooner

Head doctors


    Dr. A.G.SanthanaKrishnan

    M.Ch Neurosurgery

        24 years experience



    Dr. A.G.AlwarRamanujam

    M.S, D.NB

        22 years experience



    Dr. B.Renukadevi


        18 years experience
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