Gynaecological cancers can be difficult to diagnose,but are often highly treatable if detected early. Our gynaecologist and team provide personalized and compassionate care to help prevent,manage and treat gynaecological cancer conditions .We will be with you, each step of your journey to help you live a long ,happy and healthy life.CERVICAL CANCER
Cervical cancer is a cancer that starts in the cervix, the lower narrow part of the uterus . Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer that women suffer from, worldwide. There are two main types of cervical cancer (squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma). Squamous cell cancer is the most common type of cervical cancer which occurs in the cells of the outer surface of the cervix. Adenocarcinoma is a type of cervical cancer that starts in the glandular cells which are found in the cervical canal.
Most cervical cancers are caused by the human papillomavirus which are spread through genital skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity. Other factors that may increase the risk of developing cancer following a high-risk HPV infection are:
- Smoking
- Reduced immunity
In its early stages, cervical cancer may not cause any symptoms. Therefore it is essential to schedule regular check-ups to check for HPV or abnormal cells in the cervix. However in later stages, cervical cancer leads to vaginal bleeding , spotting and unusual vaginal discharge. Signs of advanced cervical cancer include pelvic pain, urination problem and swollen legs.
Various tests which are used to detect cervical cancer include:
- General pelvic exam
- The Pap test is a quick and simple test that check for changes in the cervical cells.
- Colposcopy -Advanced test involves magnified examination of the vagina and cervix to check for the abnormalities.
- Cervical Biopsy is done where a small tissue sample is taken from the cervix during a colposcopy
- Cone biopsy involves removal of large tissue from the cervix under anesthesia.
HPV Vaccines are now available that can protect against HPV infection. These vaccines protect against the types of HPV that most often cause cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers. They are given in three shots. The vaccine is recommended for girls from 13 to 26 yrs age .Awareness about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination among young girls and their parents plays a crucial role in decreasing the cases of cervical cancer.
Regular check-up and Pap smear taken under proper medical supervision to detect cervical cancer cells.
Use of preventive measures such as condoms during intercourse reduces the risk of getting HPV and cervical cancer.
Women who smoke are about twice as likely to develop cervical cancer as compared to non-smokers. Hence avoiding smoking can reduce the chances of cervical cancer.
Treatment for cervical cancer
The treatment for cervical cancer depends upon the kind of cervical cancer and how far it is spread. Treatment methods mainly include surgery , chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Surgery can be carried out by Radical hysterectomy which is an operation that involves removal of uterus.
Radiation therapy is another cancer treatment method that uses high-energy radiation to kill the cancer cells and prevent them from growing.
Chemotherapy which includes the use of anti-cancer drugs that stops cancer cells from multiplying can also be used in treatment of cervical cancer.
Cancer occurs as a result of abnormal changes in the genes responsible for regulating the growth of cells and keeping them healthy. Breast cancer is defined as a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast or you can say it is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells.
You may know many women who have had breast cancer and if you are worried about breast cancer then you might be wondering, if there are steps you can take to prevent breast cancer. There are some lifestyle changes you can make to lower your risk of breast cancer.
Life style modifications
Lifestyle changes can lower the risk of breast cancer even in high-risk women. You can take the following steps to reduce the risk of breast cancer:
- Limit Alcohol.
- Don’t smoke Control the weight:
- Be physically active
- Breastfeed
- Limit dose and duration of hormone therapy
- Reduced exposure to radiation and environmental pollution
Diet to prevent breast cancer
Having a healthy meal daily might decrease the risk of some types of cancer as well as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Women who eat a Mediterranean diet meal supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil and mixed nuts might have a low risk of breast cancer. As the Mediterranean diet focuses mostly on plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. Use healthy oil such as olive oil over butter and eat fish instead of red meat.
Screening for breast cancer
Can be done by regular breast examination and mammography.
Regular breast examination can also detect other non- malignant breast lumps Consultation is needed in these conditions
- Lump in breast/with or without pain
- Discharge from nipple (blood stained) / milky discharge
- Skin puckering in breasts
- Retracted nipple
- Swelling in the axillary region
Head doctors
Dr. B.Renukadevi
18 years experience
Dr. A.G.SanthanaKrishnan
M.Ch Neurosurgery
24 years experience
+91 900-337-6444